--- orphan: true --- # Structure of Python Projects Want to contribute to a git-pull project? They follow a common layout. This guide can help you make sense of things! tmuxp, libtmux, cihai, libvcs, vcspull, and others follow common patterns in their layout. ## Styling [black] is used for code formatting. The max line length is 88 (compared to PEP8's 79). `flake8: noqa` is permitted for docstrings where it's too long. Use `$ make black` to run your code through black. Use `$ make flake8` to validate compliance with the project's code standards. [black]: https://github.com/ambv/black ## Dependencies ### Traditional requirements files _requirements/_ - dependencies, for backwards support on systems not using [pipenv] Not all projects may have these. If they don't require third party dependencies in the main project, e.g. SQLAlchemy or colorama, then their may be no _base.txt_. _requirements/base.txt_ - Direct project dependencies. These things are included in the `install_requires` in _setup.py_, so they're invoked via `python setup.py install`. _requirements/test.txt_ - Test packages. Examples: pytest, pytest-rerunfailures. These can be included via `test_requires` in setup.py, so they're invoked via `python setup.py test`. As of June 2018, our projects also use [pyup.io] for automated package updates. These don't support _Pipfile_ yet, so that's another reason we're not moving over to Pipfile immediately. ### Pipfile [pipenv] supports installing via a _Pipfile_: ``` $ pipenv install --dev --skip-lock ``` Our projects don't use the _Pipfile.lock_ since they can cause issues with dependencies / version constraints and has a performance penalty. To keep a _Pipfile_ up to date, you can do some combination of the following: ```{code-block} sh pipenv install --skip-lock --dev -r requirements/doc.txt && \ pipenv install --skip-lock --dev -r requirements/dev.txt && \ pipenv install --skip-lock --dev -r requirements/test.txt && \ pipenv install --skip-lock -r requirements/base.txt ``` Some projects may create a Make task for it in the _Makefile_: ```{code-block} make sync_pipfile: pipenv install --skip-lock --dev -r requirements/doc.txt && \ pipenv install --skip-lock --dev -r requirements/dev.txt && \ pipenv install --skip-lock --dev -r requirements/test.txt && \ pipenv install --skip-lock -r requirements/base.txt ``` ## Optional development tools ## tmuxp You can automatically launch and IDE-like terminal session from [tmux] via [tmuxp] and the includes _.tmuxp.yaml_ file. These functionality will automatically handle dependencies via [pipenv]] ## Make tasks [make(1)] is a popular utility on POSIX-like systems to save common commands across codebases/checkouts. For convenience, these can be stored in tasks in _Makefile_ to prevent unnecessary repetition. To ensure uniformity and max interoperability across developer systems, [Make] tasks are used. In addition, makefiles make use of variables via command concatenation to find / filter source files across different platforms. ### _Makefile_ Variable example: ```{code-block} make PY_FILES= find . -type f -not -path '*/\.*' | grep -i '.*[.]py$$' 2> /dev/null ``` This is uses [find(1)] and [grep(1)] options tested to work across BSD, macOS, Linux to scan files recursively (in nested directories), and also filter them. For instance, `-f -not -path '*/\.*` ignore files beginning with a dot, e.g. `.env`, and grep's `-i '.*[.]py$$'` filters for only `*.py` files. The double `$$` is used to escape the `$`. In regular expressions, a `$` is used to represent the end of a string. ### _doc/Makefile_ Sphinx documentation tasks. Variable example: ```{code-block} make WATCH_FILES= find .. -type f -not -path '*/\.*' | grep -i '.*[.]rst\|CHANGES\|TODO\|.*conf\.py\|.*[.]py$$' 2> /dev/null ``` Will be used to generate a list of files to monitor for changes. This uses `find ..` to look a directory behind `./doc` (`../doc` is the project root). It will monitor for `*.rst` and `*.py` files (python files have code documentation) and also for `CHANGES` and `TODO` (which include reStructuredTest, but lack file extensions for legacy purposes.) ```{code-block} make PYVERSION=$(shell python -c "import sys;v=sys.version_info[0];sys.stdout.write(str(v))") ``` Is used for version checks. It is a uniform and tested way to find the major python version (`2` or `3`), since they used a different module to serve HTTP files: ```{code-block} make WATCH_FILES= find .. -type f -not -path '*/\.*' | grep -i '.*[.]rst\|CHANGES\|TODO\|.*conf\.py\|.*[.]py$$' 2> /dev/null PYVERSION=$(shell python -c "import sys;v=sys.version_info[0];sys.stdout.write(str(v))") HTTP_PORT = 8031 serve: @echo '==============================================================' @echo @echo 'docs server running at${HTTP_PORT}/_build/html' @echo @echo '==============================================================' @if test ${PYVERSION} -eq 2; then $(MAKE) serve_py2; else make serve_py3; fi serve_py2: python -m SimpleHTTPServer ${HTTP_PORT} serve_py3: python -m http.server ${HTTP_PORT} ``` Task example: `make watch` ## pytest pytest is used for testing, instead of standard library's [unittest]. They reside in the project root, inside of the _tests/_ folder. Test files are kept in _test\_{subject_name}.py_. In addition, helper modules of any name (e.g. _helper.py_) are permitted, in addition to the use of _conftest.py_ (which is used by [pytest's fixture] system) ## _setup.py_ What you'll find in a _setup.py_ file. ### requirements.txt integration _requirements.txt_ / _requirements/base.txt_ for `install_requires` _requirements/test.txt_ for `install_requires` ### pytest integration Overrides `python setup.py test` with a custom class: ```{code-block} python from setuptools import setup from setuptools.command.test import test as TestCommand class PyTest(TestCommand): user_options = [('pytest-args=', 'a', "Arguments to pass to py.test")] def initialize_options(self): TestCommand.initialize_options(self) self.pytest_args = [] def run_tests(self): import pytest errno = pytest.main(self.pytest_args) sys.exit(errno) setup( # ... stuff cmdclass={'test': PyTest}, ) ``` [pipenv]: https://docs.pipenv.org/ [make]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Make_(software) [pytest]: https://pytest.org [unittest]: https://docs.python.org/3/library/unittest.html [tmux]: https://github.com/tmux/tmux/wiki [tmuxp]: https://tmuxp.git-pull.com [make(1)]: https://linux.die.net/man/1/make [find(1)]: https://linux.die.net/man/1/find [grep(1)]: https://linux.die.net/man/1/grep [pytest's fixture]: https://docs.pytest.org/en/latest/fixture.html [pyup.io]: https://pyup.io/